Angular and Bulma

Adding Bulma to an Angular project

Dave   Follow

I recently wanted to include the Bulma CSS library into my Angular project. I didn't just want to include the library in my project, I wanted to be able to include just pieces of the library and maybe override a thing or two. This post will explain how to include Bulma into your Angular projects using SASS.

# Getting Started

You'll need to install angular-cli first so that you can create an Angular project.

$ npm install -g angular-cli

Creating a new anuglar project is easy with angular-cli. Let'g go ahead and use the ng new command to create a new angular project. We will specify that we want to use SASS for our CSS.

$ ng new angular-bulma --style=scss

# Configuring SASS

I really don't like keeping my sass files at the root of my src directory. So we'll create a sass directory to hold our sass files and then move our styles.scss into it.

$ cd src
$ mkdir sass
$ mv styles.scss sass

Now that we have moved the location of our main sass file, we'll have to update our angular-cli.json configuration file to reflect that change. Search for styles and replace it with the following:

"styles": [

# Setting Up Bulma

Now the fun begins. Lets go ahead and install Bulma

$ npm install bulma --save

You will be able to find Bulma sass files under /node_modules/bulma/sass. We'll first import the initial-variables sass file. After that we will import the main Bulma sass file.

@import "~bulma/sass/utilities/initial-variables";

@import "~bulma/bulma";

We'll add a button to our page. Find the app.component.html file and add a button.

<a class="button is-link">Success</a>

# Test It Out

Let's test it out. Start your app.

$ npm start

Go to your page by going here (opens new window). You should see Bulma working now with a nice stylized button.

# Override Styles

Lastly, we are going to override one of Bulma's color variables. Let's go ahead and add to our styles.scss file. Before the Bulma import, lets add a color override and set the primary color to red.

// Customization
$blue:  hsl(217, 10%, 53%);
$primary: $red;

Refresh the page and now you should see more of a grey color for the button than the default blue color.